Sunday, March 13, 2011

My Best Friend's Wedding

Last Friday I went to the wedding of my best friend from high school.
Alex and I caught the same bus and train 1.5hrs to school everyday for 6 years. We were in the same grade & same Maths and Japanese classes. We worked at the same supermarket when we turned 14 & 9 months (such a random age for starting work). And we even went to our Year 12 formal together. So many crazy adventures!

Here's a little trip down memory lane (for me really, you probably don't care a whole lot)
This photo is at our work Christmas party at Laser Zone back in 1999. I'm in orange (such a fun colour) & Alex is in the back left. I think we were doing our tough team faces...
This is the pre-formal photo taken in my lounge-room. Fun times!  
So... we finished school 11 and a half years ago! Arrgh! I feel so old! Alex moved to Canberra for uni, I stayed here.
We don't catch up heaps often these days, so I felt soooo honoured to be invited to his wedding to Lara!

It was one of the most beautiful weddings I have ever been to! So much raw emotion - Alex, his sister & his mum all cried in their speeches. I loved that during the ceremony the celebrant recounted the story of Alex & Lara, not only was this super handy as I had never met Lara, but it was also so so so sweet to hear the story of them! (I love stories!) Sooooo lovely!

A few pictures of the fun day:
Super-calm (hmm) Alex & me before the ceremony. It was so good to catch up (in those little bursts of catch up you have a weddings). Oh and look, I got cute new hair this week.               

Mawwwwww! How pretty is Lara! I love this photo. They said their vows real quietly, just to each other. It was so intimate.
This is my sister, Alex's sister and I... It is up the right way on my computer but flips when I upload it... It's super cute so I wanted to include it anyway.
Oh it was such a nice night!

Some random information about the wedding -
- The table we were on was entirely made up of Lara's friends from uni.
- We realised that 'what do you do?' could easily be relplaced with 'are you a public servant?' and learnt that the appropriate follow up question to this was 'which department do you work in?' Seriously! I only met two people who didn't 'work for the government' and those two were in politics... hmm
- The DJ didn't play a single Britney Spears song, even though Alex and Lara both said there were heaps on the playlist (Alex was known for his Britney obsession back in the day)
- The food was so yum & fancy & also kept coming and coming! We were so full after the 4 courses (actually we were full after the canapes - chicken & macadamia tenders in honey sauce and zucchini balls... mmmmm)
- Below the reception centre was a really cute tea cafe where we spent the hour between the ceremony & reception

Ok seriously... I don't know what the go is with side-ways/upside down photos today.

This is my sister.

This is me... with the cup our brownie came in.

Such a fun adventure to Canberra!

It was such a great honour to be there at 'my best friend's wedding'.