Well this week I have been sick.
Last weekend was my Grandparents' 60th wedding anniversary. 60 years is a long time! Apart from coming to the sobering realisation that I will never have a 60th wedding anniversary (well it's highly unlikely) & that I am the oldest child-less cousin (even my baby cousin is expecting his 2nd child in April), it was a fabulous weekend! I really wish I got to hang out with my aunts more often, they are so fun and lovely!
The down-side of the weekend was that sharing a room with my sick sister meant that I caught her cold/flu/horrible illness. This week I had 2 days off work. I never have days off work. Actually, that's a lie, I did have 2 days off in June also, but 4 days in one year is the most I have had EVER! I got so bored! I watched so much tv and checked my emails and facebook way too much and took everything I could to get well as quickly as I could. I love work so much!
Because I haven't blogged in a whole week here is a summary of the things that have happened since last Thursday:
Funniest conversation:
This happened while I was teaching my kids how to sew buttons today
"Miss F, I have a bit of a problem with this..."
"Oh, you've missed one of the holes in this button"
"No I haven't" (I love when actual facts are not relevant)
"Um... look closely, see you've missed this hole."
"No, I remember I definitely went in all the holes"
"It's ok, we can fix it, see how you've gone through three of the holes, but this one..."
"I don't know what you're talking about"
(I reached frustration point soon after this)
Funniest work sample of the week: (they had to fill in the missing words)
Daniel was thrown into a
lion den because he was caught
by mischief by some of the king's
helpers. But God protected him by
keep-ing the tigers away from him. When King Darius saw this he made a law that everyone should
behave and he threw his officials into the
den. They were immediately
Dumbest thing I've done all week:
I fell off my lounge. I was sitting on the arm of the lounge as part of my "oh I'm sick, so I should clean my house" window cleaning frenzy... and somehow overbalanced and landed on the floor, on my back, with a sore arm. I wasn't sure whether to laugh or cry. No-one was watching, so I did both.
Verses I've been pondering this week:
James 4:1-4
"What causes fights and quarrels among you? Don't they come from your desires that battle within you? You want something but don't get it. You kill & covet, but you cannot have what you want. You quarrel and fight. You do not have, because you do not ask God. When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures." A good friend was sharing with me what she learnt from these verses the other day. I love that God can teach us each something different through the same passage. I have been really challenged about my motives in asking God for stuff. Especially about my future husband and kids. Why do I want to be married? I think honestly a lot of it just for social acceptance, to be part of the 'married' club. hmm
Jonah 4:2 "
I knew that you are a gracious and compassionate God, slow to anger and abounding in love, a God who relents from sending calamity." This verse makes me laugh because it is said in anger! He's mad because God gave Ninevah a second chance... um hang on Jonah, didn't God give you a super big second chance just a chapter ago? I love that the accusations he brings against God are his kindness. hehehe. You're such a human, Jonah.
Jonah 2:8
"Those who cling to worthless idols forfeit the grace that could be theirs." So true! How many things to I cling to that are keeping me from God's grace!? hmm...
I do wonder what Jonah was thinking as he prayed this in the fish? Was he thinking of his own selfishness, or others?
Proudest moment of the week:
My gorgeous soccer gala day girls! They were absolutely beautiful! They had the best attitudes all day, it didn't matter if they won or lost they were lovely & had fun! They encouraged each other and helped out with carrying things and took care of their sick teacher-who-technically-should-have-been- at-home-but-really-didn't-want-to-miss-the-gala-day. I love my kids!
Most encouraging words of the week:
From lovely Cass...
"My favourite thing about you.. you are always happy - even when you're not! You are totally open about being insecure about some things & it makes you come across as the most secure person in the world!!!"
mawww! I have the loveliest friends in the world.
Anyway, that's my week. Sorry this post was long. It's hard to summarise a whole week.
PS There's only 12 more teaching days, 3 excursions, 1 graduation day and 1 party day to go till I'm on holidays again! eeek!