I love my dad.
I also like this photo of me and my dad (I only found it when I was making their anniversary book a few months ago).
Most people say I look more like my dad than my mum. I have also inherited a lot from him:
His love of reading
His dry humour (it seriously took me 18 years to realise that dad was joking, now I think he's hilarious)
His curiosity & hunger for knowledge
His love of travel
His short temper...
I love hanging out with my dad. Together we used to go on bush-walks, he'd take me to piano lessons, he taught me to ride a bike, he helped me buy my house (and move in, and mow it, and maintain it, and re-roof it), together we calculated how many jellybeans would fit in a smart car (and won the car), he introduced me to snow (one of my most favourite things in the world!), so many fun adventures!
Tonight I went to my parents' for dinner. I was just going to pop in then come home and put up my Christmas tree, but then dad and I got chatting... about everything. I love conversations with my dad. We discussed history, books we've been reading (thanks Mindy for the John Grisham conversation starter), work, pay, the sky, how clouds stay up (ok so mostly he just laughed at me when I said that...), world events, movies, church, sick leave, foster kids and pretty much everything else. Pretty quickly I had been there more than 5 hours. I love conversations that make time fly. (and maybe tomorrow I'll put up my tree)
Well that's all for today.
I love my daddy.

Oh and incase you're wondering, like I am, how clouds stay up when water is heavier than air (had some fun conversations with my kids when we imagined the reverse was true), I found some answers. I really like it when people have asked the same silly questions I ask.
Two questions, Kaye!
--How many jellybeans fit in a smart car?
--If your dad introduced you to snow, does that mean you don't get snow where you live?
886,770 jelly beans fit in a smart forfour. :-)
And no it doesn't snow where I live. On the mountains 2 hours from my house they get a sprinkling of snow if it is REALLY cold, but we have to drive 8 hours to get to snow that you can ski on (and even that can be a bit dodgy some years so they have to use man-made snow to bulk it up). I love skiing & go every year.
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