It was so much fun!
The service ran fairly smoothly (except the dodgy sound system), kids laughed, parents cried. It was great! My cute Student Leaders did a fabulous job of emceeing & one of my Year 3's prayed the sweetest prayers I have ever heard. She wrote it herself. ohhh I got goosebumps.
After the service we let the kids play for half an hour before recess... and one of my boys broke his wrist! Poor kid! Since last Friday 4 kids have fractured their arms at school! AND not one has been on the Spiderball. ha! Today's accident was a fall on our new "soft-fall" - he was running & tripped awkwardly. oh dear.
So... then it was time for our Garbage Bag Formal! This is our annual (since last year) graduation event where the kids create their own outfits using garbage bags (in a range of colours of course!) & we sit down for an exquisite meal of pizza and hot chips. This year, since I teach a composite class, my Year 3's served as waiters - they were soooooooo cute! The little boys had decided that they needed to dress up to be waiters, so they wore vests & ties and jackets. mawww!
It was heaps of fun & I took about 7 billion photos (or at least 70)... but they are all on the school server. Luckily my amazing aide uploaded some of hers onto facebook, so I can share them with you...

You can't tell from these pictures, but I had a 3 tiered black & pink skirt & a black top with yellow sleeves and a pink bow (& do you like the ear-rings one of my girls bought me?). Katrina's was a one shoulder number with gorgeous flowers & a pink tie around the middle. Pete... well his was very creative!
I might add the full-length photos tomorrow - they were on the other camera.
I only have 3 more days with my kids :( I can't believe how fast this term has gone! Oh I'm going to miss this class! They are such a great bunch of kids!
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