Pretty much the story is about a little girl who "meant to" clean her room, but she kept getting distracted... by a rollerskating sheep, a pig in desperate need of a bath, a roaring lion and so on.
This is the story of my life.
I am... (I am about to confess something huge & if you know me in real life I know you will be so shocked you will fall off your chair...) I am... reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaally bad at tidiness. I am the opposite of a neat-freak. Not because I don't care, mostly because it just doesn't occur to me to tidy & put things away AND when I do put things away I forget where they are, whereas if I leave them filed on the floor I know exactly where they are AND there are usually a billion other things I could be doing (such as visiting cute babies, hanging out with amazing friends, watching tv, facebooking, sleeping or even marking or programming...).
Anyway, I decided these holidays to be super selfish (but not in my usual super-selfish way - which would be to visit, hangout and catch up with everyone I know) and stay home and clean. I have spent 3 whole days tidying, sorting, chucking, building shelves, sticking things up, washing & vacuuming. I have discovered so many treasures - for instance who knew one person could accumulate 3 hole punches, 7 pairs of scissors and 15 rolls of tape (fifteen!?!!).
Just because I am so proud of my cleaning efforts, here are some photos of the finished, tidy bedroom of mine...
Oh yeh, not too bad... doesn't really look that spectacular, you might think.
Ok, well here are the before pictures...
please do not lose all respect for me.
I am good at other things...
*deep breath*
This was my bedroom day 1 of these school holidays...
Eeeek! Oh I'm exhausted just looking at those photos.
Just be glad I didn't also share the photos of my lounge-room and kitchen! (but trust me, they are also super tidy now!)
Well there you have it. Confessions of a serial um...messy-person (hmm), with 6 more things to high-light of her holiday to-do list!
Also I found this quiz so you can find out if you are a neat-freak (though I think it is one of those things you have usually worked out by the time you are a grown up...
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