After school on Friday my lovely friends Ann-Marie and Lou & I went out for coffee/super early (like 4.30) dinner. I love catching up with these two. I always come away from our catch ups feeling encouraged, challenged, convicted (in a good way), inspired and full (and not just because we ate a lot of good food). I seriously work with the most amazing people in the world. Who gets to work with their besties? (Just incase you forgot - I do have the best job in the world).
So, Saturday... my pay didn't go in. There was some glitch with the National on Wednesday, which meant our staff pay has gone on a massive backlog list of things the bank needs to sort out....hopefully that will be done by Tuesday... Anyway that meant shopping wasn't an option. I didn't really mind too much because shopping is one of those things I actually don't like doing. I have cheese and bread, that's all I need. haha.
But then, while Phineas and Ferb were building a spa in their backyard I got a text from Leah! She and Cute Morgan came over to sew capes. It was a hilarious few hours as we used Leah's $30 sewing machine (um... it was pretty... but not super amazing at the sewing job) to sew a shiny red cape, while Morgan coughed, laughed, chewed, rolled, drooled and said "rabbit" (yeh he's pretty advanced for a 7 month old...hehe). So this was Leah's first sewing adventure. Pretty impressive hey!
How cute is Morgan?
Anyway, I was meant to babysit on Saturday night so my friends could go see the Jets vs L.A Galaxy soccer (football) game. But an hour before, I got a call to say the kids were really sick so their mum was going to stay home with them... but did I want her ticket to the game?! Woo hoo! I love soccer, but it costs so much to go, so I haven't seen a lot of games. And this was the game with Beckham!
So our little Energy Australia Stadium was full to capacity (except the new bit, which isn't finished yet) & it was such a fun night.
How nice was this sunset!
I love how effortless they make soccer look. Like it's easy to kick a ball 100 metres down a field, to direct that ball exactly where you want it to go, to keep running for 90 minutes, to fall, tumble and get straight back up... um yeh they are not easy things. But watching them play it made me feel like I could do that! (and then I remembered the 8 years of soccer I have played....hahaha)
I was thinking about this on my way home when I was following an L-plater who made staying in their lane look like the biggest challenge in the world. I was even beginning to question how I was managing to stay on the right (left) side of the road between those suddenly narrow lines.
It was an interesting juxtaposition. (Is that the right word Ann-Marie?)
This morning Kids Church was so fun! We read the first part of the Christmas story and made angels. The kids today ranged from 2-10 yrs and 5 out of 10 of them had never been to our church before. They were such great kids & even the boy who normally prefers just to watch, made an angel decoration (though it was decorated with skulls). haha. Oh I love Christmas!
I had lunch with a bunch of friends from church & got to hold a sleeping baby for 3 hours....mawww! I think holding sleeping babies is probably my most favourite thing to do. They're so serene and soft and snuggly.
Yep. That was my weekend! It was fabulous!
This week is the last full week of the year! Tomorrow we're starting work on our Garbage Bag Formal outfits! Mine is going to be so pretty!
We have 2 excursions, year 4 graduation, the g'bag formal, seussical rehearsals & the "official" launch of our new playground this week! woo hoo! I think I may sleep through next weekend.
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