Wednesday, October 6, 2010

My Type of Gardening...

This afternoon my dad showed up at my house with his mower and whipper snipper.
It's back to dad mowing my lawn these days (since my lawn-mowing neighbour died a few weeks ago). I could save up and buy my own mower, but i think deep down dad likes helping out at my little house... maybe.

My role was the whipper snippering. I'm not super good at it... considering I've only done it about 5 times before. But, this time I did manage to avoid the hose and tv aerial cord (um...). I did, however, accidentally slice one of my rose plants...oops!  Of course this inspired me...

One of the things on my to-do list these holidays was to sort out my garden. I have learned that when you leave your garden to its own devices for 4 years it tends to become a little unruly. Well, holding that whipper-snipper gave me amazing super powers of gardening... I whippered everything! It's the quickest type of gardening there is! Yep my "garden" has been been cut down to size and looks really tidy! I am aware that cutting weeds just means they'll grow back even meaner (sort of like shaving)... but for today I don't care. There's one more thing I can high-light off on my to-do list (high-lighting is happier that crossing things off).

Well I'm off to bed. Hopefully I will be able to move in the morning! My arms were so jelly-ish this evening from the whippering, it was even hard to lift fork to mouth... oh dear, definitely need more weights training at the gym :)


cassandra said...

does this mean the alien nests are now gone from the tree next to your deck?

Kaye said...

haha... actually no, the whipper snipper could not cut those branches down.
That is our next project!