Well I tried to start this post with a limerick about my friend Mel-Travis... but I have a feeling that I've tried that before and there are not many words that rhyme with Travis (I'm pretty sure haggis was included as a lame attempt last time). But anyway, Mel-travis the random ponderings of me today is dedicated to you. haha
Firstly I need to tell you that I have the best class in the world. If there was a 'best class in the world' award I would so nominate them.
I love how enthusiastic they are.I love that I can ask a question and be immediately met with 10 hands with stories and questions and answers (which often don't relate at all to what I just asked). I really think that they could talk all day on one topic if I let them. I love that when I say "I need a volunteer to..." I instantly have 26 eager beavers ready to do whatever I need done. I love that when we start a new topic they get so involved in what we're learning... for instance, last week we started a unit on bugs - ever since kids have brought in books, posters, random facts and actual bugs from their backyards, they've made models at home & ask for "just fiiiive more minutes" to work on their class work (um no sorry children, but it's actually home time).
Yesterday I put 2.5x3= on the board. Two of my girls squealed "decimals!!!" and instantly burst into the decimal song they have made up. Before I could even teach them how to work this problem out they had already come up with their own strategies and were asking for trickier questions... are these kids even real?
Oooh it make my heart smile.
I love how thoughful they are. I don't think there has been a day in the last 8 years of teaching that I haven't been given a "you look pretty today Miss F" or some similar compliment. Yesterday one of my girls handed me a beautiful note she had written and 2 scratch and sniff stickers (I love scratch and sniffs)...cute! I love the way they offer to help (with EVERYTHING) for instance the other day as our new class recycle bins were being handed out at assembly, one of my boys leaned over and whispered "can I please be the person to empty the recycle bin?"
I love how honest they are. The other day they were feral for the casual teacher that had them for a period. I had a chat to them about how disappointed I was with their behaviour and said "if you think your name needs to go on the board for the way you behaved, go and put it there." All but two of the offenders (about half the class...tsk tsk tsk) went and put their names on the board. They told me I should keep them in at lunch time. What kind of kids do that?
I love how creative they are. Every week when we do writing, or art, or science projects I give my whole class the same instructions. They are given the same stimulus, the same structures, the same materials to work with... but their results couldn't be more different!
I have the best job.
In other ponderings this week...I have been mulling over my childlessness. You know those days... when everyone else seems to have a baby or about to have a baby... or, you know, your cousin just had a baby without even knowing she was pregnant.
Those times you have been to so many baby showers that you win all the games (not that i'm complaining... I scored some cool prizes last weekend) & you spend more time at parties for under 3s than for your friends....you know, those sorts of days.
I love my friends' babies so much. I love getting to be a part of their lives. I love seeing them grow and learn new 'tricks' (kudos to Morgan on the bubble blowing this week!). I love the cuddles. I love getting to feed them, and play and go on adventures and such... but they're not mine.
At the end of the day I go back to my house. Where there is just me. The cot is empty (ha why do I even have a cot? Probably should give that back soon...). My arms are empty. It doesn't matter how often I see 'my' babies or how involved I get to be in their lives they will never be mine.
I know that I am called to love other people's gorgeous babies (and other people's gorgeous nine and ten year olds) at the moment... but will I ever get to love my own? Is that selfish?
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