Saturday, August 6, 2011

Oranges and Sunshine.

So... I just saw the movie Oranges & Sunshine You should probably see it. It's based on a true story. I have already ordered the book...

Ok. So basically between the 1800s to 1970 (seriously??! 1970!) 150,000ish 3 to 15 year olds, who were, for different reasons, in the custody of the British government (ie orphans, foster kids, kids of "illegitimate" mothers) were sent from Britan to different Commonwealth colonies, including Australia. The movie is based on the kids sent to Australia, but they were also sent to Canada, India, New Zealand etc.
These kids were often separated from their siblings, and told their parents were dead (but in alot of cases they weren't). When they arrived in Australia they were put into children's homes and often mistreated and abused. The movie follows the story of the woman, Margaret Humphreys, who uncovered the whole thing and tries to help the children (now 40-50 year olds) find out who they are and where they came from.

I just want to go back 50 years in the past and fix it. My heart breaks for the kids who had to live without parents. So I know that in some cases parents are not the best people to care for their children... and sure, Australia is a really nice place to be sent to... but it is the other side of the world!
How did the government not think this was a bad idea at the time?
Oh I wish I could have loved them.

How did I not know this happened? 150,000 children systematically deported? That's kinda a big deal. hmm. I can't wait to read the book. I also want to research the government's prespective, because it just doesn't make sense, surely they had a reason...maybe?

What wrongs are happening in the world now that we are oblivious to? What are we going to look back on and think "boy that was dumb, and very wrong!" 

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