Today is lovely Leah's birthday! So this post is dedicated to her... (actually it's mostly dedicated to Leah because she's the only one who says 'you haven't blogged in ages')
So the past 2 weeks have been mental.
Our school was 'inspected' last Thursday and Friday. Which meant 14 people came in and inpected EVERYTHING! Of course it's meant to be an assessment of what we do every day at work... and to some degree it was - we actually do teach every day, we do ensure the safety of our kids always, we do write engaging and interesting programs... most of the time. But we had to polish everything we do to its spick and spanest. I lost count of the number of times that we practised "Good Morning Mrs S and visitors. God bless you!" (it was necessary to practise so that this sentence didn't drone on for 15 seconds). My program had to be prettified and in such detail that anyone off the street could pick it up (with two hands, cos it was really heavy) and know exactly who, what, where, when and how to teach my class. I am not actually exaggerating about the detail we had to write... my English program for this term alone is over 10,000 words & I have written over 21,000 words of Maths program so far this year. Who has time to teach? haha.
My favourite inspection requirement is to do with chemical safety. It a requirement, apparently, that every glue stick, pen and bottle of paint is marked with a blue sticker... dangerous things like highlighters, stamps and permanent markers get a green sticker. hmmm. My kids loved finding these things in the classroom to decorate them with stickers and I'm sure that we are now a lot safer! haha.
We got a 'wow' from the inspectors. My bosses are happy. I think it's a bit of an anti-climax... Maybe if we got a 'wow' ...and a parade in our honour... and a trip to Hawaii that might be worth it. haha.
Anyway, enough of that.
In other news... I have sent in my nanny application. eeeek! I so hope I get a good family. Apparently most people are matched within 2-3 weeks. Let's see how that goes.
It was a weird process, having to collect references from different people. I think every single person (I got about 16 references I think) put that I am 'fun'. A few people told me that 'organisation' was something that was hard to judge me on, because I am super organised in my head & in paper work & logisitically, but the messiest person in the world. My best friend wrote that I 'have the potential to be easily offended'... after getting over the offense that I felt towards that statement, I've realised that it is probably actually true. I have been heaps more aware of it lately... I do think that this is closely related to the fact that I haven't had enough sleep recently. hopefully I will be less offended in coming weeks. haha
I have been planning my first stop on my adventure overseas - a week in LA... still trying to convince my sister that she should come for the week. I don't think Disneyland could be as fun on my own. Though I am fun, so I shouldn't need another person.
Canada is getting more and more exciting and also equally as terrifying. There are so many things to think about and organise...where do I start?
Oh I have to tell you this funny quote of one of my boys...
During Art on Thursday his whole artwork got soaked with water. He brought it over to me and said "Miss F, my paper is sopping wet."
I replied, "oh no, what happened?"
His reply, "I'd rather not go into details about it." hahahaha what 9 year old says that? I was laughing so much on the inside.
Anyway back to tidying. pfft!
Happy Birthday Lovely Leah.
1 comment:
I think I might just be ahead of you in the running for the title of messiest person in the world. My floordrobe is epic! ;)
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