We've been told quite a lot lately at work that school holidays are not teacher holidays, but 'non-teaching days' and we should be making the most of this time without our classes to prep & do the millions of paperwork we need to get done... which is true, it would be impossible to get through the term without getting things organised before-hand & who else gets 12 weeks break? But I have also come to the conclusion that during term I have spent countless hours outside the 8-4 hours marking, planning, reporting etc so I deserve to have a bunch of fun during the holidays :-) Don't worry I will still get all my work done!
Ok so here's what I've been up to lately.
Friday afternoon... just as I was about to leave for the term I got an email from my boss that said that I was no longer allowed to do something I was hoping to do next year (sorry for the cryptic-ness...I'll fill you in soon...hopefully!). I had a bit of a cry & a good 'coffee' (I don't actually drink coffee, but I think coffee sums up the whole catching up in a warm, cosy sort of a setting and being able to be honest and open with a good friend...mmm... it's sort of warming on the inside) with a lovely friend. I am actually more excited that it's not happening now... I have a new plan... eeek I hope it works. Stay tuned. Hopefully there are some concretes soon... anyway enough of the vagueness let's move on.
On Saturday I celebrated the first birthday of 'my' Hayden!
All 3 of my boys are one now! They are growing up so fast! Seriously, the skills these kids gain between the times I see them are amazing! Morgan was there too. He walks and says 'this' these days. such skills! Sorry I get excited about such things. grr sideways-ness!
Oh! Look at the cute snacks I made for the party!
A teddy bear race of sweet deliciousness!
Yesterday was a productive day! I amazed myself with the amount of things i got done - school work, gym, bank, real estate agent, travel agent (eeek!), lunch & ice-cream catch up with a beautiful friend (another 'coffee' catch up...so good for the soul!), looked after Hayden for a while, caught up with his lovely mummy, dinner with my parents, 2 loads of laundry, more school work and about 8 hours of google-research...2am is not a good bed time.
Today was a DIY day with my dad. I love projects with my dad! Today we built a fly-screen for my flatmate's room. Haha fun times. We also replace downlights in my kitchen, the washers in my bathroom taps and tested out my fireplace. I can't wait for smores night in my loungeroom...I just need to find out how we actually go about making a smore... any ideas my American friends? (Oh and I also need to get firewood... better not forget that one).
At the moment my mind is swimming with ideas and thoughts and concerns and stubborn-ness. Arrgh! I am hoping and praying that there will be some clarity soon & in the meantime I'm trying to exercise faith and patience!
Smores are super easy (and tasty) although often super messy! You just roast a marshmallow in the fire (or if fire isn't possible, you can microwave it for 15 seconds) until it is nicely brown and soft (or in my case, charred). Then you have your graham halves handy, with a layer of chocolate (half a Hershey's bar is "normal" but any chocolate bar will do, probably). You use the grahams to sandwich the marshmallow and pull it off the roasting stick/skewer. Then you take a big bite and enjoy!
Be sure to take photos! :)
Thanks Mindy! Now to find out what grahams are and where I can find a Hershey's bar in Australia...haha I may have to improvise a little. There will definitely be photos :)
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