Tonight I did two things I haven't done since December 16th, 2009 - emptied my dishwasher & used my kitchen whizz.
December 16th was the night I introduced my then boyfriend to my friends, by way of a burrito party (by complete coincidence that's what I'm eating right now). After the party everything was stacked in the dishwasher...which then broke. I've been meaning to re-wash the things in there ever since, just taking out the things I needed... (it seems you can survive 18 months without a dishwasher full of plates, mugs, cups and knives if you live alone). Why did I unpack the dishwasher tonight?
Well... I was cooking some burritos... when I couldn't find my grater, so I decided it was about time I got my kitchen whizz out. But! (the complication of the story) I couldn't find the pusher thing! so I looked everywhere (obviously not everywhere cos it's still missing). I then realised the last time I used this was when I was grating carrots for the party back in 09, which made me think of the dishwasher. So even though the pusher thing was not in the dishwasher I decided tonight was the night for washing/chucking those gross things.
But how did I grate the carrot?
Well I'm glad you asked. I then tried several methods of pushing the carrots into the whizz... fingers, random plastic stick, fork (don't try these at home). After a bit of trial and error I realised that the maple syrup bottle fit perfectly into the hole.
Luckily I have an excess of maple syrup bottles in my cupboard (long story), because the first one didn't survive...and left my carrot with a sweet taste. Is there any going back once you've had a maple flavoured burrito? hmm
Thus ends my story about the night of weird December 16th 2009 coincidences.
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