We've been told quite a lot lately at work that school holidays are not teacher holidays, but 'non-teaching days' and we should be making the most of this time without our classes to prep & do the millions of paperwork we need to get done... which is true, it would be impossible to get through the term without getting things organised before-hand & who else gets 12 weeks break? But I have also come to the conclusion that during term I have spent countless hours outside the 8-4 hours marking, planning, reporting etc so I deserve to have a bunch of fun during the holidays :-) Don't worry I will still get all my work done!
Ok so here's what I've been up to lately.
Friday afternoon... just as I was about to leave for the term I got an email from my boss that said that I was no longer allowed to do something I was hoping to do next year (sorry for the cryptic-ness...I'll fill you in soon...hopefully!). I had a bit of a cry & a good 'coffee' (I don't actually drink coffee, but I think coffee sums up the whole catching up in a warm, cosy sort of a setting and being able to be honest and open with a good friend...mmm... it's sort of warming on the inside) with a lovely friend. I am actually more excited that it's not happening now... I have a new plan... eeek I hope it works. Stay tuned. Hopefully there are some concretes soon... anyway enough of the vagueness let's move on.
On Saturday I celebrated the first birthday of 'my' Hayden!
All 3 of my boys are one now! They are growing up so fast! Seriously, the skills these kids gain between the times I see them are amazing! Morgan was there too. He walks and says 'this' these days. such skills! Sorry I get excited about such things. grr sideways-ness!
Oh! Look at the cute snacks I made for the party!
A teddy bear race of sweet deliciousness!
Yesterday was a productive day! I amazed myself with the amount of things i got done - school work, gym, bank, real estate agent, travel agent (eeek!), lunch & ice-cream catch up with a beautiful friend (another 'coffee' catch up...so good for the soul!), looked after Hayden for a while, caught up with his lovely mummy, dinner with my parents, 2 loads of laundry, more school work and about 8 hours of google-research...2am is not a good bed time.
Today was a DIY day with my dad. I love projects with my dad! Today we built a fly-screen for my flatmate's room. Haha fun times. We also replace downlights in my kitchen, the washers in my bathroom taps and tested out my fireplace. I can't wait for smores night in my loungeroom...I just need to find out how we actually go about making a smore... any ideas my American friends? (Oh and I also need to get firewood... better not forget that one).
At the moment my mind is swimming with ideas and thoughts and concerns and stubborn-ness. Arrgh! I am hoping and praying that there will be some clarity soon & in the meantime I'm trying to exercise faith and patience!