On Monday I had the pleasure of going out for naan and blood with my beautiful pregnant friend. We ate the yummest cheese naan and then she had a blood test (see it wasn't as vampirish as it first sounded). I love being a part of my pregnant friends' pregnancies (but I think I like holding the babies even more).
On Tuesday 2 friends and I went to a free teacher preview at the Sydney Observatory. Sydney is about 90 minutes from where I live. It's still a novelty to see the Harbour Bridge, even though I've seen in tons of times.
The Observatory is in a gorgeous location overlooking the habour. It was such a fun night, even just being in Sydney!
We ALSO got free pizza (delivered on these cute pizza-bikes... ok so I don't get out much :) ) and looked through a telescope at the moon (actually it was clearer without the telescope... but don't tell them that) and there was a cool 'planetarium' that actually showed stars (not planets) on the underside of a massive umbrella & we got to lay on bean-bags!
One of the other highlights of the night was watching the 3D movie "Bigger than Big". It wasn't the best movie ever. But it gave some real perspective to how small we actually are (a bit like the Indescribable presentation). The guy (Carlos, who had a really cool accent) who introduced the movie said that as we watched it we would realise how insignificant and small but how precious we are (I love that word - especially with Carlos' accent...um). I think it's significantly harder to deny our amazing Creator God when you consider the unfathomable massiveness of the universe and compare it to the intricate details of cells, out of which grow whole humans, and other super tiny things we can't see. It is impossible to compare these two extremes.
Psalm 8 has been my favourite passage for ages. I used to lay out on the trampoline at night and just let these words wrap around me while I looked at the stars. I love the way it does exactly what that 3 minute movie does - show you how insignificant, yet how loved and important you are to God.
When I consider your heavens,
the work of your fingers,
the moon and the stars,
which you have set in place,
4 what is mankind that you are mindful of them,
human beings that you care for them?
5 You have made them a little lower than the angels
and crowned them with glory and honor.
6 You made them rulers over the works of your hands;
you put everything under their feet:
7 all flocks and herds,
and the animals of the wild,
8 the birds in the sky,
and the fish in the sea,
all that swim the paths of the seas.
9 LORD, our Lord,
how majestic is your name in all the earth!
Consider the heavens.
Um... that was the first 2 days. Here's the rest of the week in point form:
- New flatmate (woo hoo!)
- Neighbour's development application (that I wrote the submission against) was rejected (woo hoo!)
- Got to hang with my Hayden - in the past 5 days he learnt to clap, stick out his tongue, use gravity & almost crawl!
- Swimming Carnival!
- Hung out with my Morgan. He has a new voice. So cute!
- Oh I also taught some things, cried a bit and vacuumed. (I love that vacuum has a double u)
"Bigger than Big" is that the movie that starts with saying that things in space are big and then say "but how big is big?" because I watched that last time I was there.
Yep that's the one :) Good remembering!
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