Sunday, October 9, 2011

Just a Spoonful of Sugar

Yesterday it was finally the 8th of October!
 The day we went to see Mary Poppins the Musical!
There ended up being a group of 21 of us! (that is a lot of people to organise...and a lot of people when you buy all the tickets on your card...eek!)
It was a super random group of people...including friends from work, friends from church, friends from high school, as well as my mum, sisters, aunty (who flew down for it) and Grandma!

The musical was absolutely brilliant! The sets were amazing...seriously, furniture moved around magically & the house opened like a reaaaaallly giant dolls' house. My favourites would have to be Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious and Step in Time. Absolutely amazing!
I seriously want to teach my class the S-U-P-E-R-C-A-L-I-F-R-A-G-I-L-I-S-T-I-C-E-X-P-I-A-L-I-D-O-C-I-O-U-S dance... what do you think my chances are?I think if anyone can it's this year's class.

I made everyone a special treat for the day... A SPOONFUL OF SUGAR!!!! mmm

We got a bit of Spoonful of Sugar envy! My grandma even took hers back to show the other ladies at church. cute!

Family! This is my aunty, grandma, mum, sisters & I with our spoons.

Some of my lovely friends! (the others were at the bathroom, pfft priorities people!) I am so blessed to have these people in my life! Also do you like my double stocking layering?

I'm thinking of claiming Mary Poppins on tax as it was great training for being a nanny! I learnt some fantastic skills, if only I could master the sliding up banisters I would be set! 

I love fun adventures to the city with people I love. :-)

Oh also... holidays are over, it's back to school tomorrow, I serious feel like it's been about 4 days.
although I am not  quite prepared, I can't wait to see my little people (and get started on that dance...haha am I joking? I'm not even sure, we'll see)!!

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