Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Pick Me!

As a teacher there are many times throughout the week that I start the sentence "I'm looking for someone to..." and am met by 26 arms and various pleas of "oh can I?" "I will! I will!" "PLEEEEEEASE!"  I'm not sure whether it's the short break from the ordinary, or if it's the feeling of importance gained from carrying out a special job, but whatever the menial task is, I am never short of volunteers. Even before I have given details of the mission, my Year 3s and 4s are committed to carrying out whatever it is that I ask.

Last night as I was reading Isaiah 6:8 'Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" And I said, "Here am I. Send me!"' The image that struck me was not of holiness and almost military sounding "I shall go"  (hmm it's hard to communicate tone in writing), but instead a classroom popped into my head. I could almost hear the teacher-like 'thinking aloud' of God, "hmm... who can I get to do this job...?" and instantly Isaiah jumps out of his seat with his arms waving furiously, the 'if-you-don't-pick-me-I'm-going-to-burst' look on his face. "Here I am! Over here! Pick me, pick me!" Even before God gives him the details of the job (which doesn't happen till verse 9), he knows he wants in on whatever God is offering.

I was seriously challenged by this attitude as I read (& pondered). Am I quick to jump up and volunteer to do whatever God needs done? Or do I stop to think about the cost... maybe it will be something I can't do, maybe someone else will be better at the job, maybe it will take too much time, maybe it will take me too far out of what is comfortable, maybe if I had all the details...so many maybes. So easily I forget that God is God... (um, you know creator of every minute detail of this universe!) If he's got a part for me to play in it all, who am I to think twice about it?

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